泥土變形記 Mud Metamorphoses
Performance 2hours, Elbe Rive silt sculptures, paper documents, two-channel performance video 11 mins 30 sec loop with sound, readymade, Elbe River mud, plants, stone, dimensions variable.
Westwerk.org , Hamburg, Germany, 2022.
漢堡市文化與媒體部國際藝術家在德國漢堡 Westwerk 的駐留項目,駐村期間2022年7月1日至9月30日。
Hamburg Ministry for Culture and Media Residency for International Artists at Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany. Residency from July1 to September 30 in 2022.
This performance-based work focuses on Hamburg's port, critiquing capitalist structures, post-pandemic global trade, and environmental manipulation. Utilizing the concept of "Mud Counterflow," it resists the "Elbe Deepening Project" by returning the mud to the city center as a performative tribute. The piece highlights the power dynamics in the material transformation of rivers, mud, and ports, exploring how the river was resculpted to accommodate Chinese ships and how the mud is converted into resources and profits. It questions how human desires reshape nature and society, critiquing the idealization of a capitalist utopia.
泥土是金 Mud is Money
《泥巴變形記》呈現了漢堡是港口與中國海運企業的關係運作,以經濟結構為基礎展開對易北河自然、城市規劃和國際貿易的研究,指出加深易北河促進經濟增長背後的交易現實。漢堡作為國際港口,在 2011 年有幸被命名為歐洲綠色首都,是德國最大的港口,也是歐洲最大的港口之一,最近則因易北河的加深而成為負面頭條新聞,更因市政府出售港口股權給中國中遠海運集團掀起巨大爭議。港口貿易積累的財富與易北河深化工程有關,牽連著各大企業與國際關係。在這個城市,易北河『淤積』這個自然現象不被允許。
Mud Metamorphoses – Hsu Yi Ting(許懿婷) solo exhibition present the operation of Hamburg City, based on the economic system, develop the exploration of nature in Elbe River, urban planning, and global relationships. This project as an art residency project in Westwerk began from 2 July, and the exhibition begin from 25 August to 4 September in 2022.
Hamburg City, representing the international harbor, was honored to be named European Green Capital in 2011, the largest port in Germany but also one of the largest in Europe. The wealth built on the port trade, relay to the Elbe deepening project, connecting with benefit from companies and countries. In this city, deposition is not allowed even though it is a natural phenomenon. The mud was removed and believed it could be sustainably placed in Nordsee.
Mud metamorphosed through human society. Mud as an intermediary, symbolizing the wealth in Hamburg, mud as a material showing the human desire in globalization, mud as part of nature returning to Elbe River after removal. The exchange games running with capitalism, relying on inter-national specialization, what kind of value can be approached behind the trade?
Hsu’s work began with the movement between the Elbe river side and the center of Hamburg city. There are two part of the movement, first, Hsu dig the mud from Elbe river and carry to central city; second, Hsu dropping the mud around central city. These movement are the symbol of tribute for Hamburg City. During the exhibition period, ten days in total from 8/25 to 9/4, the movement will keep going. Transport the mud as a performance, working with the tide of Elbe River, Hsu carrying the fresh mud back the city every day and confer to Hamburg City.
Mud Metamorphoses present with performance and installation, trying to point out the contradictory realism. The other two performances on 8/24 and 9/2 at 20:00, were develop from the motif of Mud Metamorphoses – Trade, combined with some visual element from the observation during the residency.
Movement 1 – Side to Center
從邊陲至中心,挖掘易北河的泥土運送至市中心。 From side to city center, dig the mud from Elbe River, and carry to city center.
Digging location happen in Veddel, belong to Elbe Island of Wilhelmsburg, lies nestled between the North and South Elbe, population around 4,400, over 50% resident are aliens from almost 50 nations. Veddel is known as it’s multicultural flair and industrial area, being a traditional working-class district, with industrial arms of logistics and harbor related. Hsu carry the mud on the trailer behind the bike, cross the Neue Elbbrücke to the city center and stop in Neustadt.
Movement 2 – Tide works
同潮汐運動 Work with the tide, work as the tide.
Based on the Elbe deepening project, the invisible movement of returning cause by the tide naturally. Work as the tide is an imagination with keep returning the mud to the city by human being, a visible movement transformed from the tide. During the exhibition period about 10 days, Hsu keeping transporting the mud back to the city as a performance, an artist job, working with the tide of Elbe River.
Movement 3 – Returning
泥土歸返 Dropped the mud from Elbe River and return to city.
從邊緣到中心、從工業區到商業區、從工人階級到上層階級的回歸。行為者作為一個中介,騎著自行車與拖車,將泥土運往市中心。回歸的路線從Stadthausbrücke開始,經過Neuer Wall、德意志銀行、漢堡商會、Hygieia噴泉、市政廳到達Jungfernstieg。然後通過Große Bleichen回到Stadthausbrücke。
The returning from side to center, from industry area to business area, from working-class to upper-class. Hsu as an intermediary, biking with the trailer behind, carry the mud to the central city. The returning route begin from Stadthausbrücke, pass by Neuer Wall, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Hygieia fountain, Rathaus, to Jungfernstieg. Then back through Große Bleichen to Stadthausbrücke.
Opening Performance – Where are you from?
Performance 2-Are/t we wasting?
Sponsor|Hamburg Ministry for Culture and Media, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.